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世界杯竞猜-Rep. Eric Swalwell says Biden belongs on the 'Democratic Mount Rushmore' with FDR

时间:2024-09-20 14:53:46 来源:暮雨朝云网 作者:手游 阅读:715次
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close Rep. Eric Swalwell: Biden will go on Democratic Mount Rushmore with FDR and JFKVideo

Rep. Eric Swalwell: Biden will go on Democratic Mount Rushmore with FDR and JFK

California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell claimed on MSNBC Saturday that Biden will be remembered on the "Democratic Mount Rushmore" for his accomplishments.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., remarked how President Biden deserves to be on the "Democratic Mount Rushmore" alongside John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt based on his accomplishments.


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